Notes for: Cornelius Sexton Westerfield MOSELEY

Subj: Re: hay long time no talk too
Date: 04/24/2001 11:10:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: (Pamela A Baker)

Ok pour Confused

Well My Name is Pamela Moseley and about a year ago you gave me
access to your Taylor family web sight because we shared the same gg
grandfather Cornelius Westerfield Moseley their son Frank K. Moseley is
my g grandfather his wife was Amie Crow. We have been trying to find
records with her name or parents on them because she is the missing link
for our family tree. And possibly an American Indian. Everyone else has
been accounted for back to the Moseleys before Kentucky in Prince
Williams County, Virginia. I am trying to get our tree finished before
fathers day this year for my dad. He was Named after all the Robert
Moseley's in our family. He is the son of Lawrence Moseley and the
grandson of Frank K. Moseley. The census record I found is a sounddex
file so still not sure of the spelling for grandma Crow. The census lists
it as Amie, Originaly we had it as Amy or Anne. Sounds to me like it
possible she had an unusual name. When the census documents get posted as
an image on the net maybe we can find some more info. You had been
talking with a Susan Decker who is somehow related to her too. And a
couple of others that have posted info on her to the tree you posted, I
think it's Moseley 12000. I'll have to go back and get more names. Tony
Myers was, Denny Moseley related to Elijah is My AOL address is h20seeker juno is h2oseeker,
aol is a zero and juno is an o as in l m n o p, you probably have me in
aol. A couple of the posting I read recently to had noted
you as having info for them on Moseley tree. And they had posted some
info on my g grandparents. Was hoping you might remember so I could make
the connection. Can't thank you enough for all of the wonderful info and
help you have given to our families in finding our roots. Without you
Dave it would have been a lot harder. I have added my grandparents and
their brothers and sisters to the tree. Wishing you health and happiness
always, Pamela Anne Moseley