Notes for: William CAMPBELL
Soldier, Commander Battle of Kings Mountain. General William Campbell was born in 1745 in Augusta County, Virginia. Following his fathers death, he moved with his mother and four sisters to the Holston Valley of Virginia where they established the family home called Aspenvale south of present day Marion, Virginia. In 1774 he became a Captain in the Militia and served in Col. Christians regiments in the campaign against the Shawnee. In 1777, he returned to Aspenvale where he served as Justice of the Peace and was made a Lt. Colonel in the militia. In September 1780, he lead his regiment on a march from Southwest Virginia to Kings Mountain, North Carolina. There on October 7, 1780, Col. Campbell lead his regiments in the Battle of Kings Mountain, defeating the British Forces lead by Major Patrick Ferguson. The victory by Col. Campbell destroyed the left wing of Cornwallis's Army and forced the British to retreat from Charlotte into South Carolina. In March 1781 Col. Campbell joined General Nathanael Green at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse. After a term in the legislature he was made a brigadier-general in the militia, and served under Lafayette in the battle of Jamestown. Shortly after the battle General Campbell fell ill and died at Rocky Mills, which was the home of his wife Elizabeth's half-brother, Col. John Syme, Jr, in Hanover County, Virginia.