Notes for: Cora Lynn MARSH

Cora Lynn Marsh
Obit; Idaho Pioneer Dies at Emida
A resident of Idaho for the past 45 years, Mrs Cora Lynn Bailor passed at the home of her daughter, Mrs Edna Griffith of Emida, Monday afternoon. Mrs Bailor had been Ill five days, her death due to the effects of a stroke. Born on July 16, 1852, Mrs Bailor had reached the advanced age of 95 years. She was born at Goveneur, N.Y. the daughter of George W. and Mary C. Marsh. Mrs. Bailor lived in New York for only a short time, moving to Minnesota with her parents in 1861. She lived there until 1888, and was married at Cannon City, Mn. to Charles A. Bailor, who passed away at Olympia, Wa, in 1916. In 1888 the family came to Spokane, and five years later moved to Idaho, where she was to reside for 45 years.
Surviving her are two daughters, Mrs Edna Griffith of Emida and Mrs Bernice Mooree of Olympia, Wa. She also leaves nine grandchildren and 21 great-grand Children. Funeral services were held at Emida this Thursday afternoon under under the direction of the Wessa Chapel of this city. RevHarry P. Wilson of the Foursquare church was the officiating clergyman. Mrs Jonh Boosinger sang "When the Beautiful Gates Unfold," accompanied by Mrs Wilson. Pall bearers were Ed Dawson, Ralph Badgett, Clarence vanderpoel, Frank Derry, Clyde and Frank Anderson. Interment took place in the Emida Cemetery.