Notes for: Aruna Shepard BRYANT

Aruna S. Bryant son of Philip and Sophia (Shepard) Bryant was born April 21, 1812. Philip Bryant was born in Connecticut Nov. 20, 1780. He removed to Erie, Pa., where he died at the age of seventy-five. He was a soldier in the war of1812; was a Democrat in politics, and held the position of deputy sheriff and justice of the peace. Sophia Shepard was born Sept. 3, 1787, and resided in Caldwell's Manor, Canada. She died May 29, 1846.

Aruna S. Bryant's parents settled in Chateaugay, Franklin Co., N. Y., in 1804, on what is, or was, known as the "Platt Place." His father was a farmer in good circumstances. His father's family consisted of the following: Cornelia, Caroline, Aruna S., Philip D., Sophia M., David B., Jonathan M., Jennet, Clarinda, and Sarah A.

At seventeen years of age Mr. Bryant worked on the farm for three years at ten dollars per month. April 9, 1833, he was married to Caroline, daughter of Dr. Erastus and Abigail Douglass, of Chateaugay. She was born Oct. 17, 1812, and died Jan. 25, 1862. Their children were Abigail, born Sept. 22, 1834, and Philip E., born Jan. 28,1836.

Aruna S. Bryant married, for his second wife, the widow of Governor Horace Eaton, of Middlebury, Vt., October 1862. Aruna S. Bryant is a Democrat, and has held various town and county positions; has been deputy sheriff six years, assessor a number of years, janitor of the state senate two years, and at the present writing is inspector of elections. He is an exemplary member of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Chateaugay, to the support of which he contributes liberally of his time and money.

A History of Clinton and Franklin Counties New York, Chicago, J. W. Lew & Co, 1880.