Notes for: Ahaz Washington BRYAN
Census: 1910 U.S. Federal Census - Oregon, Lake Co., Paisley Twp, E.D.302, sheet 5A, page 149
Bryan, A. W. , Head, M, W, 51, M, 17, -, -, Missouri, Tennessee,Ohio
->" " , Jennie M. , Wife, F, W, 37, M, 17, 3, 3, California,Illinois,, Missouri *(Nancy Jane)
" " , Bessie B. , Daughter, F, W, 17, S, -, -, -, Oregon, Missouri,California
" " , Tressie H., Daughter, F, W, 14, S, -, -, -, Oregon, Missouri,California
" " , Annie L. , Daughter, F, W, 13, S, -, -, -, Oregon, Missouri,California
" " , Daniel B. , Father, M, W, 82, M, 51, -, -, Tennessee, Virginia,Maryland
BIOGRAPHY: BRYAN, Ahaz Washington
Ahaz Washington Bryan resides some twenty-three miles north of Lakeviewat what is known as the Bryan stage station. He is a stage contractor andhas been in the business for many years in Lake county. He was born onDecember 16, 1858, in Mercer County, Missouri, the son of Daniel Booneand Mary (Fairley) Bryan. The father was born in Tennessee, in 1828 andserved in the state militia in Missouri during the Civil War. The motheris a native of Ohio. They now live in this county. The other children ofthe family besides our subject are Mrs. Ella Strohm of Yamhill county,Oregon; David M., of this county; Mrs. Lucy J. Reed of this country; andMary H. The family crossed the plains with ox teams in 1864, makingsettlement in Yamhill county, where our subject was reared on the farmand received his education. when still young, he took a trip to westernOregon, then returned to Yamhill county and in 1887 journeyed to Lakecounty. He worked for wages for several years then began subcontractingon the mail routes. Finally, in 1902, he secured the contract of the mailfrom Lakeview to Paisley and he has been handling the business eversince. In 1902, he purchased his present home, an estate of five hundredacres, on third of which is first class hay land. He has a good house,large barn, blacksmith shop and various other improvements. He does hisown horse shoeing and blacksmith work. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan keep a statestation for the accommodations of the traveling public and are doing agood business in that line. He also rases cattle and horses.
BIOGRAPHY: Fraternally, he is a member of the A.O.U.W. and the W.W. OnJuly 24, 1892, Mr. Bryan married Nancy J. Moss, who was born in ModocCounty, California, the daughter of Stephen P. and Susan (Casteel) Moss.To this union three children have been born, Bessie E., Tresse H. andAnnie L.
From : :"History of Central Oregon " published 1906
Biographical Sketches of Lake County
Transcribed by: Sherrain Glenn (
Pg: 880