Notes for: Herbert E REED
Herbert E. Reed is a well known farmer and stock raiser of Lake countyand resides nine miles south of Paisley. His birth occurred on February3, 1868, in the province of New Brunswick Canada. His parents George andAnnie E. (Mitchell) Reed are now living at Paisley, Oregon. Our subjectcame with his parents to Boston, Massachuetts, when a child and alsoresided in various parts of the east. Then they crossed the plains withox teams from Iowa to Saguache county Coloradom in 1874. Five years laterthey removed to Wyoming and from that, point journeyed to Ashland, Oregonin 1886. It was 1889 when they came to this country and our subject soonfiled on a preemption in the Goose Lake Valley. Then he herded sheep andshortly afterwards in company with his father and brother Walter F.engaged in the sheep business. Later , he and his father purchased aranch which our subject now owns, being know as the Avery Ranch, and itis one of the first locations in the Chewaucan valley. His house was thefirst lumber residents in this part of the country. In 1897, our subjectbought his father?s interest and since has added by purchase until theestate is six hundred and eighty acres, about one-fourth of which is veryvaluable agriculture land and the balance is pasture. Mr. Reed makes aspecialty of raising hay, some alfalfa and handles cattle and horses. Hehas a good residence, plenty of barns, outbuilding and other improvementsan is a prosperous man.
On November 17, 1895, Mr Reed married Lucy J. Bryan, who was born inYamhill county, Oregon. Her parents, Daniel Boone and Mary (Fairley)Bryan, are now living in this country . The children born to Mr. and Mrs.Reed are Rex E., Lester H. Lee R, and Ivan W.
From : :"History of Central Oregon " published 1906
Biographical Sketches of Lake County
OSSDAR Schminck Memorial Museum Library
Transcribed by: Sherrain Glenn (
page 897