Notes for: David FARLEY

David b.1745, was first born to James and Janet Fairley. James was the first of our linage to come to America from Ireland 1740 settling in N.Carolina. David was married to Mary Aiken, she was previously married and had a son named Samuel Aiken. David and his stepson were captured by the British during the war but escaped. David and Mary had six children and possibly a baby that died.

David with his stepson, Samuel Aiken, had enlisted to serve in the Rev. War and they were captured by the British and held prisoners for some time until their escape. David died and was buried in Monroe Co., now Noble Co. His grave was found and decorated by the DAR in 1929.
He is also listed in the book "Revolutionary Soldiers buried in Ohio" Columbus Ohio.(Page 435 Titled "Revolutionary Soldiers 1775-1783", Noble Co."David Farley").....
He is NOT DAR registerd that I have ever found....I am inclined to doubt his War Service Records were ever found or perhaps even available??
David and his family lived in NC, moved to Hampshire Co., (W) Va, lived in Greenbrier Co.,Va a short time, and by or bef 1800 was in Greene Co., Pa near Wheeling, W Va. In 1817 they moved to Monroe Co.,Ohio, now Noble Co., where he died.