Notes for: John LLOYD Sr
John, Ailsy and family moved to Wayne County, Indiana from North Carolina about 1823.
They may have traveled Daniel Boone's Wilderness Trail blazed by the legendary frontiersman in 1775 from Long Island of the Holston at what is now Kingsport, Tennessee, through the Cumberland Gap of Virginia and into Kentucky. It would become the route for hundreds of thousands of settlers of the western frontier. Then to Cincinnati and north to Randolph County. Harper was the only child born in Indiana. Some of the children are assumed from census, land records and because they migrated to various areas together. Approximate birth dates fit the norm, about two years apart.
On 8 Apr 1837 John Loyd, Sr. bought the SW Qtr, Sec. 34, Township 17, Range 1 from Samuel Middleton[93]. They were living next to Thomas Loyd and Jeremiah Loyd.