Notes for: John Septimus MOSELEY

Subj: Hello
Date: 06/20/2000 9:13:34 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: (Jessica Lindsey)

File: (330333 bytes)
DL Time (28800 bps): < 3 minutes

Dave Hello,
I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to you.
I've had a lot of things going on lately.
Anyway, I do have a scanner.
I hope you don't think me silly, but I had no idea
what gedcom format is, I have seen references to it
many times and would like to learn more about it.
I had planned to go to Hartford this weekend but
alot of things have come up this week and it looks
like I may have to wait till next weekend to go.
I really would love to meet Arthur Kirby Taylor,
he sounds very interesting an I'm sure he has alot of
interesting information, it would be such a pleasure
to hear anything he would be willing to share.
Well this is the info that I have gathered on
John Sept Moseley and Della F Moseley
It comes from Their headstones, my mother wrote it
down the last time my parents were their.

John Sept Moseley
Born 4/22/1858
Died 6/5/1902

Della F Steward
Born 11/17/1865
Died 1/8/1918

Their children:

Golda Moseley
Born 9/12/1887
Died 2/22 1906

Roxie Moseley
Born 7/17/1889
Died 1/10/1891

S. Calvin Moseley
Born 1/11/1892
Died 3/13/1942

Dixie (Moseley) Ward
Born 4/12/1894
Died 4/19/1984

Phyllis (Moseley) Bennett
Born 10/30/1897
Died 1/31/ 1977

Albert Davis Moseley (My grandfather)
Born 7/16/1899
Died 4/30/1988

John D. Moseley
Born 10/7/1901
Died 11/17/1908

I would be so pleased to have you put this information
on the website anyway you would like.
My e-mail is really long this time.
I am also sending you pictures of John Sept Moseley
and Della F Moseley

and I could send you a picture of all there children
if you want.

I’m also sending a picture that I thought you might
get a kick out of. I have know idea who anyone in it
is but I thought you might. It is really fragile. Its
made out of some kind of cardboard or something.

Also I was wondering if maybe you might be interested
in coming to the Moseley Family reunion that being
held on July 8th at the Ohio County Park in Hartford?

well e-mail me back
I look forward to hearing from you